As a child and teenager, I was teased for being fat. Hippopotamus, Fei Mui, fatty bom bom.. these were some of the names I was called. I used to be so envious of those who were slimmer and prettier.
Then I discovered that X-Factor is a quality that can be cultivated, not something we are born with.
It is a topic close to my heart and it gives me immense joy whenever I’ve the opportunity to pass on the knowledge and strategies I have learnt in the past decades.
After one such session, a senior lady came up to me and shared that she’s always felt useless. At the session, she had to reflect and think about her strengths.
She had tears in her eyes, but she left with a smile and a promise to do the activity I gave her. My dream is to create a better world for all, and to encourage others to do likewise.
Step by step, person by person, we can amplify goodness and gladness. 💗