I first heard about Dream Boards in October 2007 from a dear friend and with her encouragement, I created my boards. Instead of one Dream Board, I had 3 – my being, doing and having boards. I placed the boards on a wall in my bedroom where I could see them every day!
My first Dream Boards in 2007
Here is an extract from a blog post that I wrote in April 2008, a few months later:
Over the months, I have updated them. A couple of them have been realised for example, the Black Eyed Peas concert, my wonderful massage therapist who is a gem of a find and travelling. The others are in process of being attracted into my reality.
The boards forces me to reflect on what I truly want in life at this given time (you gotta think before you put stuff up!!!), allow me to dream bigger and gives me that extra dosage of sunshine when I am feeling down. The green is my “Being Board, the yellow is my “Doing Board” and the Orange is my “Having Board”.
Creating YOUR Dream Board allows you to have greater clarity on the quality of the dream life that you want. The word YOUR is emphasized because it is critical that you honour your heart on what makes you smile and gives joy to you.
Cut out / draw pictures or statements (words, phrases, poems, affirmation) that represent the dream life you desire.
Be examples: joy in what I’m doing, wealthy, financially stable, working with dogs, working with children, happy with life, be in an awesome loving relationship, working in a job for only few days a week etc
Have examples: mortgage free house, car, own business, money, network, good relationships, peace of mind, etc
Do examples: volunteering, holidaying, massages, exercises, working daily with dogs, etc
Get started, that’s the first step.
Besides a physical board, you can also choose to create a soft copy of your dream board or in a book. I do think though that for your very first dream board, it will be magnificently awesome to take time to create a physical one and place it at a prominent space where you can see it often.
Have fun creating YOUR dream board before you go onto Step 2!
So happy you are achieving your dreams B! Great job!
So happy you are achieving your dreams B! Great job!
Thank you Yvonne for being an encourager!